About Journal Limpet

Journal Limpet is a open source project by NoLifeKing85 (Twitter, Twitch)

The purpose of this web application is to give the commanders of Elite: Dangerous the ability to download their journals no matter where they are, and give them the option to push their journals automatically to services like EDSM, EDDN and so on

The technology used to run this site

To be fully transparent of what tech we use to run this site, I thought I might list the dependencies we use

The cost of maintaining this service

Since I planned ahead while building this, I have a whopping 2 dedicated servers for the purpose of storing your journals. One database/storage server, that keeps all the journals in a safe place, and one webserver that runs the website.

The running costs of these 2 servers amount to around 100 EUR / month, so it ain't that bad. :)

Reach out to us

If you ever want to reach out to us, in case you have a great idea, question or want to report something, there are ways to get a hold of us!